You've arrived


The version of you who gives herself



Tell Me More

Vulnerably building deep trust, connection and intimacy with yourself and others is something that I have learned and am passionate about helping you integrate into your life.

Learn how to stack pleasure and play in order to feel liberated.


You are the only one who binds yourself

Conscious kink - specifically Shibari - has been a huge part of my healing journey. It has been a creative way to step outside my box; to connect & offer a new perspective of what deep healing can look like.

With love and care, I help you step outside your box - to release what’s holding you back from living a life that turns you on

When you tap into the power of your womb - your pleasure, your intuition, your creativity - you reach another level of consciousness, power and presence. And it's felt by those around you.


Together, we’ll turn on that pilot light that's deep down in your body and ignite your desires into full force flames of fire that build and activate your body, mind and being.


"For me, it's hands down the way you make me feel safe and loved. Maybe the word that encompasses it is nurturing, but it's more than that. The words (I'm about to start crying) of encouragement and love and the feeling of inclusivity that you have given to me in my struggles the past few months have made me feel like my emotions are valid and I know without a doubt that I can come to you with anything and you'll listen with love and bring a safe space. I'm not sure what word encompasses that, and maybe none really do. But that's how you make me feel without it being a flashy outward trait. I hope that makes any sense at all."

-Lauren Gregory


"Every time I've been around you, Ashley, I have felt your energy as STRENGTH in both a feminine and masculine energetic field. Your powerful strength is also seamlessly woven with a beautiful vulnerability & this blend is a beautiful dance I love to be around ☀️
Your strength makes me feel SAFE.
Safe to communicate, play, BE, & question.
Feeling safe, is such a profound feeling to hold space in, because that safety I & others can grow and expand.
Your energy is something I admire, and learn from whether you are sharing, teaching or just near."

-Natasha Langhans


"You hold space for people without ever looking like it is a burden or too much. The space you hold is loving, it's soft and cozy but also very firm."

-Kelsie Lynn


"You are an empath and your tribe always feels your love and support because you give so freely of yourself to everyone you love. 💖"

-Jennifer Ruth


"Ashley is such a feminine powerhouse. You feel as though you can really "go there" with her because you know she goes there herself. Her knowledge is vast and deep and her skill set is remarkable. Work with her if you want to meet all parts of herself and if you want to become even more of who you truly are inside."

-Alexa Bowditch


"Working with Ashley feels like the best version of choose-your-own-adventure! I adore her no-fluff directness and ability to gently point out my blindspots to show me new ways of seeing my life, love and sexuality. Ashley gave me tools for self discovery that opened up a world of curiosities to explore. If you're looking for a coach who can show you the ropes while making your relationship with yourself and you mate bulletproof, this is your sign! Ashley creates a safe space to be however I am in the moment and is amazing at alchemizing crunchy feels into empowered momentum."

-Jossilynn Flewelling


"Ashley - Ashley is such a multi-faceted coach. She is a bit woo, grounded into the Earth and its wisdom. I know that when she coaches me, she is channeling from something bigger. There's also a sprinkle of kink and mystique with her Shibari knowledge, and I've learned how to enter into that world with a calm and fully on board nervous system and heart. Ashley is honest, and caring. I know that she has my best interests at heart, while still calling me on my shit and the stories I've made up in my head. I appreciate how well versed she is in so many topics. I don't feel that I have to make myself small to fit into her box - hers is so big I have lots of room to play around and try things out."

-Jennifer Kaylo


"Meeting Ashley was like meeting someone from the past life! Nothing but raw, real, and honest connection has always been our base layer and it couldn't have come at a more important part in my life. The energy, creativity and drive that Ashley had is beyond inspiring. She had showed me so much and I know she will always be a safe place. She is so good at picking out things I overlook and holds so much passion for her work!! Thank you for all you do!."

-Sierra Bucher

live and lead your life from a SPACE OF

Heart, not hurt

I hold your hand and give you full permission to be in the light - love, happiness, joy, acceptance, pleasure…

AND in the shadows - rage, sadness, shame, resistance, judgment, pain…

we work to


it all to an energy that becomes a magnet for what you desire to attract in your life.

I help you embrace the deepest truth and expression of who you are and learn to trust your intuition to guide you to where you want to go.

Whether it’s breathwork, conscious communication, sacred sexuality, sacred sensuality, sacred rage, conscious kink, authentic relating, tantric practices, somatic work, journal prompts, guided meditations / visualizations, inner child work, neuropathway reprogramming…I help you get back into your FEELING BODY because too often we’re stuck in our thinking mind.

energetically aligned

Connect with yourself and with others in a way that feels delicious and energetically aligned 🤤

Let's Connect

Think of your favorite FEMALE actress or character that drips

confidence sexuality &

I help you to embody and embrace the very characteristics that attract you to them...because they’re within you, too, just waiting to be unlocked.

for me, it is



More About Persephone

I show you that you can wear strength and darkness equally well

that you can be Goddess of Life AND Queen of Hell 

Sacred Sensuality Guide

To help you grow, heal, play and expand in your personal, relational, sensual and sexual life

get the guide

Free Resource List

A guide to coming home to your body and reconnecting to your pleasure with playful curiosity 

Download my gift

One on One Coaching

Everyone deserves to live a life that is pleasureful, playful and liberating. Let me show you how...

Book a
discovery call


My name is Ashley Garcia! Let’s get the nerdy stuff out of the way first:

HD - 6/2 Manifest Generator; Sacral Authority
Aquarius ☀️ Aries 🌙 Sagittarius ↗
Myers Briggs - ENTJ
Erotic Blueprint - Kinky/Energetic

Together for over a decade, my husband and I have built an amazing life together, living it fully with our son and dog.

Before my husband...I was in a very abusive relationship for 4 years. I lost myself, didn’t feel safe in my body & turned to drinking & partying to numb the pain, falling into a deep depression.

Through several years of deep personal work, I was able to return to my feeling body, fall back in love with myself and be fully present in my marriage, my pleasure, my passions and my life.

Having played deep in the shadow work and danced in the light of alchemization, I discovered my passion for helping other women do the same. If I can do it, so can you.

Get to know me

more about me...

fun facts

coffee order

Tall iced vanilla latte with almond milk, sugar-free vanilla, and ½ the amount of pumps (sometimes with an extra shot of espresso!)

i love to

meet tundra

aka Mr. Floof.

I turn on a good 
playlist and dance to 
turn my day around

i have 6 tattoos

favorite movies

Twister, Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick, G.I. Jane, Cool Runnings

my life until now...


Was pulled over by a neighborhood cop (friend) while I rode my powerwheels corvette… he asked me how I’d buy a bigger one when I got older...I told him I was going to work in law and be an attorney

middle school - highschool

A Honor-Roll student who competed in many sports, was in clubs and was in National Honor Society. Then I entered a 4 year relationship that sent me spiraling…

(2004 - 2009)

Studied and competed in track but I injured my back which led to a deep depression. I continued my relationship where I experienced physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse.

I met my current husband and left college to move back to Dallas area with him.

post college
(2009 - 2015)

Finished my degree in night school and started working in law firms (little girl made her story come true). I married Bryan and checked all the milestones while still living with trauma from my previous relationship

life shift
(2015 --)

Bryan pursued his dream of flying with the military. I hire a life coach, go to retreats, hire mentors, complete multiple certifications in various somatic and healing modalities and introduced to Shibari. 

My family and friends noticed a huge change in my confidence.


I help others tune in to the wisdom of their bodies. I hold their hand and give them full permission to be in the light AND in the shadows; to feel the full spectrum of emotions; to enjoy pleasure and play 

And thus, from a place of heart, not hurt.

coaching and activating came naturallY

Let's Connect

Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, was the Goddess of Spring, associated with growth, fertility and love. 

One day while out with her mother, Persephone wandered off to pick flowers in a field and was enchanted by a narcissus flower. The moment she reached for the flower the earth cracked open and Hades, God of the Dead and Underworld, appeared on a chariot, abducted her, and took her down to the Underworld with him to be his bride, and, eventually, the Queen of the Underworld.

Demeter, distraught and heartbroken, was left on earth, searching for her daughter. In order to punish gods and to grieve, she decided to take a long and indefinite leave from her duties as the Goddess of Harvest and Fertility. The earth dried up, harvests failed, plants lost their fruitfulness, animals were dying due to lack of food and famine spread to the whole earth.

Zeus heard of Demeter’s leave and sent Hermes down to the Underworld to retrieve Persephone. When Hermes there he was amazed to find a radiant and glowing Queen. She loved her new home and was helping the spirits of the dead cross over. Hermes requested her return and Persephone was torn.

It was agreed that Persephone would split her time between Hades and her mother going forward. Before leaving, Hades gifts Persephone six pomegranate seeds, the food of the dead. Those who eat pomegranate seeds desire to return to the Underworld over time. Persephone eats the seeds and returns to her mother. 

While with her mother, spring blooms and summer brings life. When she returns to Hades, the earth withers and dies, causing fall and winter. 
Thus, the seasons are born.

She is the epitome of duality.
She wears strength & darkness equally well. 
She is the Goddess of Life and the Queen of Hell.



If you’re anything like me, at your core, you believe that 


to live a life that is pleasureful, playful and liberating.


Sacred Sensuality Guide

To help you grow, heal, play and expand in your personal, relational, sensual and sexual life

get the guide

Free Resource List

A guide to coming home to your body and reconnecting to your pleasure with playful curiosity 

Download my gift

One on One Coaching

Everyone deserves to live a life that is pleasureful, playful and liberating. Let me show you how...

Discovery Call